Taylor Environmental Consulting has over 30 years experience in environmental regulatory compliance and permitting for the energy industries in the Rocky Mountain area.  Allow us to bring our wide range of experiences to work on your projects. 

Taylor Environmental Consulting LLC operates out of Casper, Wyoming and was created in 2005 by Renée Taylor who has over thirty years of experience planning and permitting energy projects in the Rocky Mountains.  Our experience includes developing NEPA documents and Plans of Operations, and a full range of production and operations permitting.   We can assist you in obtaining the water, air and waste management permits required for your operations. 

TEC can prepare NEPA EAs or bring together a full complement of qualified professionals to develop more complex NEPA documents.  They have experience in conducting EPA All Appropriate Inquiries and ASTM Phase I investigations.   They have experience in the livestock industry and can provide site appropriate AFO/CAFO planning. 

We can provide experienced wildlife biologists to conduct wildlife surveys necessary for obtaining BLM permits; we have extensive experience relative to greater sage-grouse, and Preble’s meadow jumping mice as well as other T&E and sensitive plant and animal species in the Rocky Mountain area.

Let us help you with developing and permitting your energy projects. 

Taylor Environmental Consulting LLC.


Raptor Nest
Strutting Sage Grouse on Lek

Early Purple Vetch and Butterfly
Great Horned Owls